20 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis Multi-Robot Formation Control Modeling Using Fuzzy Logic Type 2 – Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Multi-robot is a robotic system consisting of several robots that are interconnected and can communicate and collaborate with each other to complete a goal. With physical similarities, they have two controlled wheels and one free wheel that moves at the same speed. In this Problem, there is a main problem remaining in controlling the movement of the multi robot formation in searching the target. It occurs because the robots have to create dynamic geometric shapes towards the target. In its movement, it requires a control system in order to move the position as desired. For multi-robot movement formations, they have their own predetermined trajectories which are relatively constant in varying speeds and accelerations even in sudden stops. Based on these weaknesses, the robots must be able to avoid obstacles and reach the target. This research used Fuzzy Logic type 2 – Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm which was compared with Fuzzy Logic type 2 – Modified Particle Swarm Optimization and Fuzzy Logic type 2 – Dynamic Particle Swarm Optimization. Based on the experiments that had been carried out in each environment, it was found that Fuzzy Logic type 2 - Modified Particle Swarm Optimization had better iteration, time and resource and also smoother robot movement than Fuzzy Logic type 2 – Particle Swarm Optimization and Fuzzy Logic Type 2 - Dynamic Particle Swarm Optimization

    Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran “Tabung Resonansi” Untuk Guru Fisika di SMK Al Amin Kilang

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    This training and mentoring activity aims to increase the knowledge of teachers in making physical learning media, especially sound wave material at SMK Al Amin Kilang. The learning media created from this training is a resonance tube. Tools and materials used are statif of wood, used bottles, paralon pipes, speakers, trafo, amplifiers, water hoses and thermometers. To generate sound waves on resonance tubes used simulation applications from PhET. Based on the results of resonance tube training activities made can show resonance symptoms. The quick value of the resulting sound wave propagate is 347,225 ± 2.95 m/s at a temperature of 250C and 353.375 ± 4.18 m/s at a temperature of 310C. This can prove that the higher the air temperature, the faster the sound waves that propagate in the air. The coefficient of deviation of this resonance tube is not up to 2 %, which is 0.85 % for the temperature of 250C and 1.182 % for the temperature of 310C. Thus, these resonance tubes can be used in standing wave experiments

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing Berbantuan Mind Mapping dalam Pembelajaran IPA di MTs NW Kilang

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    This study aims to find out the influence of guided inquiry learning models assisted by mind mapping of science (physics) learning outcomes in grade IX MTs NW Kilang students. This type of research is a quasi-research experiment with pretest-posttest control group design. The population of this study was all students of grade IX MTs NW Kilang and the samples selected were grade IX A as experimental class and grade IX B as control class. Samples are selected using cluster random sampling techniques. Data collection is done through the results of learning physics students on electrical materials. Data analysis techniques are carried out using a two-party t test. From the results of the analysis data two-party t test obtained the value of t calculate > t table at a significant level of 5%, is t calculate = 2.621 > t table = 2,000. From the results of the study, it was found that the average value of the experimental class using mind mapping-assisted inquiry model is higher when compared to control classes that use conventional learning models (discourse). These results showed that the use of mind mapping-assisted inquiry learning models had a positive effect on the physics learning outcomes of students in grade IX MTS NW Kilang School Year 2019/2020

    Perbedaan Pembelajaran Kooperatif tipe TPS dan TGT terhadap Prestasi Belajar Fisika SMK Al Amin Kilang

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    This study is an experimental study with the aim of knowing the difference in learning achievement in Physics using cooperative learning model type TPS (Think Pair Share) with type TGT (Teams Games Tournaments)  in class X students of SMK Al Amin Kilang for the 2020/2021 academic year, totaling 75 students divided into 3 classes. This research was designed with Posttest-Only Control Design. The sampling technique used a simple random sampling technique so that 31 students of class XA were obtained as experimental class 1 and class XB students totaled 31 people as experimental class 2. From the results of the study, the average value of TGT type learning was higher than TPS type learning, namely 70.29 for the TGT method and 64.55 for the TPS method. Learning achievement data were analyzed by spss statistics 26 t-test (Independent Samples T Test) and obtained a significance value of 0.047 < 0.05, which means there is a significant difference in physics learning achievement using cooperative learning model type TPS with cooperative learning type TGT in class X students of SMK Al Amin for the 2020/2021 academic year


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    ABSTRAKBergesernya pola belajar pada masa pandemi ini menjadi inspirasi terlaksananya kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini. Dimulai dengan belajar penuh dari rumah hingga masuk sekolah secara bergantian. Mitra pada kegiatan ini adalah MTs NW Kilang Yang terletak di Kecamatan Montong Gading. Permasalahan utama yang dihadapi  guru-guru adalah belum memahami  bagaimana proses belajar secara daring baik secara full mauoun secara blended learning. Hal tersebut berdampak pada belajar hanya dilakukan  secara tatap muka selebihnya diberikan  PR untuk dikerjakan di rumah. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan guru-guru MTs NW Kilang agar bisa melaksanakan belajar secara daring dimulai dengan blanded learning. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan secara tatap muka langsung dengan metode seminar, praktik dan tanya jawab. Peserta dalam kegiatan ini terdiri dari 10 orang peserta yang berasal dari berbagai guru Mata pelajaran. Setelah kegiatan ini dilaksanakan, diharapkan peserta pelatihan mampu memahami konsep blended learning secara baik serta mampu menerapkankannya dikelas masing-masing. Pelaksanaan blended learning dengan google classroom dipilih karena google classroom  sudah lebih familiar di kalangan peserta dibandingkan dengan yang lainnya. Untuk tahap pembelajaran penggunaan google classroom merupakan pilihan yang tepat. Ada beberapa tahapan yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan ini yaitu tahap persiapan dimana pelaksana kegiatan berdiskusi dengan pihak sekolah mengenai permasalahan yang dihadapi selama pandemi sehingga perlu dicarikan solusi yang tepat. Tahapan kedua adalah pelaksanaan kegiatan, dimana pelaksanaan kegiatan dan jenis kegiatan yang dilakukan pada tahapan ini tergantung dari hasil diskusi pada tahap persiapan. Kata kunci: pembelajaran; blended learning ABSTRACTThe change in learning patterns during this pandemic has inspired the implementation of this Community Service activity. Starting with full learning from home to attending school alternately. The partner in this activity is MTs NW Kilang which is located in Montong Gading District. The main problem faced by teachers is that they do not understand how the online learning process is carried out either in full or in blended learning. This has an impact on learning only done face-to-face, the rest are given homework to do at home. This activity aims to prepare MTs NW Kilang teachers to be able to carry out online learning starting with blended learning. This activity is carried out face-to-face with the method of seminars, practice and question and answer. Participants in this activity consisted of 10 participants from various subject teachers. After this activity is carried out, it is hoped that the training participants will be able to understand the concept of blended learning well and be able to apply it in their respective classes. The implementation of blended learning with Google Classroom was chosen because Google Classroom was more familiar among the participants than the others. For the learning stage, the use of Google Classroom is the right choice. There are several stages carried out in this activity, namely the preparation stage where the implementer of the activity discusses with the school about the problems faced during the pandemic so that it is necessary to find the right solution. The second stage is the implementation of activities, where the implementation of activities and the types of activities carried out at this stage depend on the results of discussions at the preparation stage.. Keywords: learning; blended learnin

    Pelatihan E-Learning Dasar bagi Guru MA Nurul Iman Mamben Lauk

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    Time change to the digital era can not be avoided. Challenges and demands of learning in the classroom more and more. Where the digital era shifts student learning patterns from manuals via books to the digital era via google. The changing learning patterns of students become a challenge for teachers to avoid falling behind in terms of information received by students related to learning. Therefore, teachers must be willing to shift from the comfort zone to be able to compensate students. This service program is implemented at MA Nurul Iman Mamben Lauk located in the village Mamben side dishes East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. The program was held on June 10, 2020  The activity method in this service was a workshop / training related to how to use e-learning Quipper School starting from creating accounts, making materials, making questions

    Pemetaan Model Mental Mahasiswa pada Mata Kuliah Fisika

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    This study aims to look at the mental model of D3 Computer Engineering students in Physics courses. The diversity of majors from students in secondary schools is one reason this research was conducted. This diversity forms a student's mental model of heat transfer material. The research subjects consisted of 30 students of D3 Computer Engineering students in the academic year 2018/2019. The research was conducted for 4 weeks from March 2018 to May 2018. The data collection was carried out by looking at the results of the study and from the results of interviews with representatives of 10 students who were considered to represent. The results showed that most students have not been able to explain the heat transfer microscopically. The concepts put forward by students at the time of the interview were still ambiguous based on prior learning experiences

    Menentukan Konsentrasi Molibdenum Terbaik Untuk Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Dua Varietas Tanaman Melon (Cucumis Melo L.) Pada Sistem Hidroponik

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    Melon (Cucumis melo L.) merupakan salah satu komoditas buah-buahan semusim yang mempunyai nilai ekonomi dan prospek yang menjanjikan, baik dalam pemasaran buahnya maupun benihnya. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman melon yaitu dengan menerapkan teknikbudidaya sistem hidroponik dengan konsentrasi larutan hara yang tepat.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respons dua varietas tanaman melon yang dibudidayakan secara hidroponik pada media arang sekam terhadap konsentrasi molibdenum (Mo).Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Rumah Kaca Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung pada bulan Agustus – Oktober 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL). Perlakuan disusun secara faktorial 2×5 dengan 3 kali ulangan pola faktorial yang terdiri dari 2 faktor. Faktor pertama adalah perlakuan konsentrasimolibdenum (Mo) yaitu : Mo 1 = 0,05 ppm, Mo 2 = 0,55 ppm, Mo 3 = 1,05 ppm, Mo 4 = 1,55 ppm, dan Mo 5 = 2,05 ppm . Faktor kedua adalah varietas tanaman melon (V), yaitu v 1 = varietas Action dan v 2 = varietas Aramis. Homogenitas ragam diuji dengan uji Bartlett dan aditivitas data diuji dengan menggunakan uji Tukey. Jika asumsi terpenuhi, data dianalisisdengan sidik ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji ortogonal kontras polinomial pada taraf 5 %. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi molibdenum (Mo) dari 0,05 sampai 2,05 ppm tidak berpengaruh pada semua variabel pertumbuhan vegetatif dan generatif, sehingga belum terdapat konsentrasi yang terbaik bagi pertumbuhan dan produksi melon, melon varietas Action lebih baik daripada varietas Aramis dalam hal panjang tanaman, jumlah daun, jumlah bunga, volume buah, diameter buah dan bobot buah, serta tidak terdapat interaksi antara varietas melon dan konsentrasi molibdenum yang digunakan terhadap semua variabel, baik variabel pertumbuhan vegetatif maupun variabel generatif

    Penguasaan Konsep Elektronika Dasar Mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Komputer dengan Pembelajaran Kontekstual melalui Pemecahan Masalah

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    This study aims to improve the mastery of concepts, learning activities, and students' perceptions about the relationship of basic Electronics courses with Computer Engineering Study Programs through contextual learning with problem solving approaches. The research subjects were 50 first semester students of the Computer Engineering Study Program 2017/2018 academic year. The study was conducted over four weeks consisting of one week of preparation sessions and 3 learning cycles of three weeks accompanied by interview sessions. Data was collected through a questionnaire and test of learning outcomes, and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that contextual learning strategies with problem solving approaches in Computer Engineering learning can improve students' mastery of concepts through problem solving. In addition, learning activities, and students' perceptions about the relevance of electronics courses in the Computer Engineering Study Program also increased

    Forecasting Of Intensive Care Unit Patient Heart Rate Using Long Short-Term Memory

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    Cardiac arrest remains a critical concern in Intensive Care Units (ICUs), with alarmingly low survival rates. Early prediction of cardiac arrest is challenging due to the complexity of patient data and the temporal nature of ICU care. To address this challenge, we explore the use of Deep Learning (DL) models, specifically Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM), and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), for forecasting ICU patient heart rates. We utilize a dataset extracted from the MIMIC III database, which poses the typical challenges of irregular time series data and missing values. Our research encompasses a comprehensive methodology, including data preprocessing, model development, and performance evaluation. Data preprocessing involves regularizing and imputing missing values, as well as data normalization. The dataset is partitioned into training, testing, and validation sets to facilitate model training and evaluation. Fine-tuning of hyperparameters is conducted to optimize each DL architecture's performance. Our results reveal that the GRU architecture consistently outperforms LSTM and BiLSTM in predicting heart rates, achieving the lowest RMSE and MAE values. The findings underscore the potential of DL models, particularly GRU, in enhancing the early detection of cardiac events in ICU patients